Spring Book Picks for Kids
Exploring Nature
All About Nature
These are our favorite books to use while exploring nature at the start of Spring. These books use inspiring stories to teach little learners lessons about a variety of topics like animal life cycles and planting seeds. The pages are all filled with beautiful, detailed illustrations that will encourage your little explorer to explore even more.
Hi Friends!
Spring is hands down my favorite time of the year. Ok, maybe I say that about every season when it arrives. Then again, I live in East Tennessee where we experience every season on any given week. There is just something so sweet about watching the world come back to life. We start back our daily nature walks making sure to keep an eye out for all the new baby animals and the different flowers starting to bloom. Even before our homeschool journey began, I was on a mission to grow our spring library. I wanted to find books with beautiful illustrations that taught the kiddos all about nature in this exciting season. Here are some of my favorite nature books that will have your kiddo learning and exploring all while having fun!
My Nature Must Haves
I was able to buy Smithonian and Slow Down on amazon for a great deal. I normally add all the books I want to my cart and watch for them to go on sale. The Usborne First Book of Nature was a $1 library sale find! Talk about finding a bargain. Always check with your local library for upcoming sales. The prices are even better than McKays!
All about Plants, Trees, and Gardens
These books are a great collection of beautiful stories that will teach your little explorer all about planting a garden and how to identify different plants. We use these books for school lessons and nature guides! We Are The Gardeners is a popular Joanna Gaines children's book retelling their family’s journey of starting a garden. I Wonder Why is full of all the answers to all the nature questions your little one has. Have You Seen Trees is a classic treasure. The beautifully detailed and realistic paintings of trees and natural scenes with vibrant colors keep everyone reading engaged.
Favorite Books Full of Adventure and Animals
Bunny’s Book Club is definitely a family favorite! My little ones giggle at the thought of sweet animals wanting to read their own books. Miss Maple’s Seeds is such a treasure! This book has a lovely message and beautiful illustrations. Miss Rumphius is another favorite! This adventure book is all about traveling and making the world a better place. The Magic School Bus Inside A Beehive was a $1 bargain find that we LOVE! This book is perfect for learning all the facts and details about bees and their busy lives.
Every kid needs the Smithsonian Animal Book! We use this book to learn more about the different species of animals and it allows the kids to do research all on their own. Speaking of research, we have been reading through Burgress Bird Book for school, so we ordered an extra backyard birds field guide for fun. I recently purchased this bird book that plays the different bird songs for the kids to learn. I can’t wait to use it this Spring!